Union Status
Age Type
Special Skills

Shahin Ghavami

  • ID: TU139282
  • Union Status : Non-Union
  • Age Type : Kid
  • Gender : Male
  • Ethnicity : Hispanic/Spanish, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Ethnically Ambiguous
  • Hair Color : Black
  • Eye Color : Brown
  • Shoe : 4'5
  • Child Size : 10
  • State : MO
  • Special Skills : Pet friendly

    Shahin Ghavami

      • ID: TU139282
      • Union Status : Non-Union
      • Age Type : Kid
      • Gender : Male
      • Hair Color : Black
      • Eye Color : Brown
      • Shoe : 4'5
      • Child Size : 10

        Shahin is a very outgoing, innocent and well mannered young boy who loves old movies and music. Some of his favorite music is by Guns and Roses and Michael Jackson. He is a serious foodie and has and will try almost anything. Shahin is also very proficient at reading and comprehension with an amazing memory.