HERE'S WHY I'm is consistently receiving GREAT REVIEWS AND CALLBACKS from his satisfied clients......
I provide a resonant, instantly engaging and pleasantly persuasive voice to promote your product or service. Whether you need a credible representative for your corporate business video or a warm and charismatic spokesman for a new product launch, I'lll do it in a trustworthy and conversational tone that speaks personally to the listener and initiates a pleasant persuasion. Just like the guy next door.
With over three decades in B2B Sales and Marketing, I understand how businesses operate and what they need from their service providers to be successful. For example, finding the right voice is just the beginning. Other critical factors include timely turnaround to meet your deadlines, quality audio to make sure your message sounds professional, and the ability to collaborate in real time via phone, Skype or Source Connect to ensure your message is conveyed just the way you want it.
I will exceed your expectations and be there to speak with you and for you again when you need him!
Whether it’s a message on hold recording for a small business or a National TV spot, each client receives the same individualized and complete attention to their needs and the needs of their project.